Wednesday, December 2, 2015

12/1/15 homework

Dear Students,
Please read the passage and fill out the KWL chart below.   
           Level 1: Please write 3 questions to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 questions to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 questions to complete the assignment
**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

In the South, there was a little girl who had a very strange neighbor. She had never seen him but heard stories about him from her brother and neighbors. He stayed inside all day--not one ever saw him come out. Only his parents could be seen exiting & returning from the big old house. But many people thought he waited until it was dark to venture outside.
The little girl loved summertime because her friend came to visit every summer. They played all sorts of games with her older brother. Their favorite games, however, get them into trouble.
This girl hated school. She wished her father, who was a lawyer, could home school her so she wouldn't ever have to go back. But her father must work and she does not have a mother.
Her dad takes on a tough case--one he knows he will lose. He says people will be mean to their family for a while during the trial. He thinks she should just ignore people when they say mean things. But this little girl is hot-tempered. Which, of course, also gets her into a lot of trouble. 

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